At Top Leaf Cigar Lounge, we want to help more people experience the pleasure of smoking high-quality cigars in a refined, relaxing setting. However, we also want to make sure new visitors to our cigar lounge don’t ruin the atmosphere for veteran smokers. If you are planning on visiting a cigar lounge for the first time, here are a few key things you need to know about how to conduct yourself during your visit.
- No Taste Tests- In a cigar lounge, it is considered very poor etiquette to ask to try someone else’s cigar—once someone has lit up, that cigar is theirs to enjoy from start to finish. If someone else’s cigar has piqued your curiosity, the appropriate way to find out more is to ask the person to describe the taste to you, or to ask them for the brand name and then ask the staff about it. Once you have that information, if you want to try the cigar for yourself, buy your own.
- Light the Cigar Properly- Another thing you should know before visiting a cigar lounge for the first time is how to light a cigar correctly. First, never use a candle to light a cigar. Instead, stick to lighters, matches, or cedar spills only. Second, never put the cigar directly into the flame, but instead hold it above the flame and rotate it evenly to ignite the outer layers of tobacco and get a consistent burn.
- Be Mindful of Your Smoke- A third thing to keep in mind when visiting a cigar lounge is that you should never blow your smoke into someone else’s face. Just because the room is filled with smoke doesn’t mean that it’s okay to exhale your smoke at someone—they are trying to enjoy the taste their own cigar, not get yours secondhand.