Cigar Lounge

Our cigar lounge lets you combine a good cigar with a good atmosphere and good company.

Cigar Lounge

Our cigar lounge lets you combine a good cigar with a good atmosphere and good company.

Cigar Smoking

We offer an extensive selection of everyday smokes, premium blends, and boutique blends for cigar smoking enthusiasts.

Welcome to

Top Leaf Cigar Lounge

If enjoying a cigar amongst friends is something you appreciate and have missed it since the North Carolina smoke-free law went into effect in 2010, consider a visit to Top Leaf Cigar Lounge in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The idea for this business came as we were sitting on a porch having a conversation about cigars. We recognized that this area really needed a top-notch cigar store and a place to relax, meet with friends, and smoke cigars indoors. Let’s face it – the porch isn’t ideal during inclement weather!

Cigar Lounge

Pipes and Cigars

Cigar Lounge Membership

2020 Best of the Beat Winston-Salem/ Forsyth Edition

#1 cigar store by Triad City Beat

Our cigar lounge gives you a great place to relax and meet other cigar enthusiasts.

We are quite proud of the selection of cigars that we have in the store area of our establishment, which is open to those age 21 and older. Here are just a few of the approximately 170 cigars that you can choose from in our eclectic collection of both highly recognizable and hard-to-find boutique cigars.

Boutique Blends

We pride ourselves on carrying rare cigars and delicious boutique blends such as Felix Assouline, Black Label Trading Company, MBombay, and Hiram & Solomon, with many more and more to come.

Premium Blends

We also carry a wide selection of premium blends such Liga Privada, Arturo Fuente, AVO, Pappy Van Winkle, and Caldwell Cigars.

Everyday Smokes

On occasion, you just need a more reasonable smoke. We offer not only flavored cigars, but manufacturers like Drew Estate, Perdomo, La Gloria Cubana, and many more.

What Our Clients Say

“Welcoming atmosphere and very friendly and knowledgeable staff. Also great cigar selection. This was my first visit but will not be my last!”

Justin B.

“Great little cigar lounge!! Selection was very good, even had my liga privada number 9. John was very helpful with my purchase!!”

Robert P.

“The place was quaint and cozy with the air of authenticity. The quality of service was amazing, I felt at home instantly. The rooms were conducive for conversation. My first experience at a cigar lounge and certainly not my last!”

J. Sullivan Jr

“One of the best cigar bars I’ve been to. The people and staff are just a fun group to hang with.”

James S.

Contact Us

We'd Love To Hear From You

Having a great source for cigars was just half of the excitement. The other was jumping through all the hoops to get approved for an indoor cigar lounge. Our vision included conversations and relationships, diversity and inclusion, and, of course, a comfortable place indoors to enjoy a good cigar. Our cigar lounge area is open to those age 21 and older with a reasonable membership fee. If you are just visiting the area or would like to visit and see what we have to offer, our one-day membership is a great option. If you want to come back, our monthly and annual memberships afford you the ability to save money. We hope you’ll stop by soon and enjoy the laid-back environment and fine cigars we have to offer.