Top Cigar Brands, Winston-Salem, NC

HomeTop Cigar Brands, Winston-Salem, NC

We have top cigar brands from the best cigar-growing regions in the world.

At Top Leaf Cigar Lounge, we’ve done the hard work of researching not only the best cigar growing regions of the world, but also the artisan producers that create handmade cigars of distinction, as well as well-known lines of premium blend cigars ideal for everyday smoking. Our retail cigar shop in Winston-Salem, North Carolina is open to anyone age 21 or older looking for top cigar brands for themselves or as a gift for the cigar enthusiast in their life.

Top Cigar Brands in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

You’ll find our cigar shop has a wide variety of cigars – more than 300 of them! What’s really important is that we’re cigar enthusiasts just like you and are happy to share our knowledge so you can have complete confidence in which of our top cigar brands you decide to purchase. We’ll take the time to listen to your preferences and then make a recommendation that we believe you’ll fall in love with. Here are just a few of the top cigar brands that we have to offer:

  • LFD– Crafted in the Dominican Republic
  • Plasencia-  1865 Cuban origins
  • Macanudo– 40+ year tradition as a top-selling premium cigar
  • Line of Duty Cigars– Led by a retired New York City Police Detective who donates a portion of every purchase of these fine Nicaraguan cigars to military, police, firefighter and EMS charities
  • Illusione- Premium handmade cigars cultivated in Nicaragua’s Esteli and Jalapa Valley
  • Oliva– A highly rated cigar handmade in Nicaragua

In addition to being a great source for top cigar brands, we also have a cigar lounge, which is a great place to enjoy your cigars and meet other cigar enthusiasts. You can further your knowledge base by sharing your experiences and recommendations about the various top cigar brands you have tried so far. With the perfect combination of a great environment and new friends, you’ll quickly call our cigar shop your home away from home.

To enjoy our cigar lounge, just purchase an annual membership that fits your needs. An annual membership is $50. Cigar Lockers are also available for rental at $500 annually.

If you have any questions about the top cigar brands we have to offer, how our memberships for our cigar lounge work, or anything else about our company, don’t hesitate to give us a call or stop by for a visit. We are always happy to assist you as a beginner, an experienced cigar enthusiast, or someone who wants to come up with the perfect gift for a loved one.