Our cigar lounge has various areas that appeal to both men and women smoking cigars.
It might surprise you to learn that there are many women smoking cigars these days. Whether you are among them or just want to purchase cigars for the cigar enthusiast in your life, you’ll find the wide variety of cigars you need here at Top Leaf Cigar Lounge. In addition, our cigar lounge gives you the opportunity to socialize with other men and women smoking cigars.
We understand that both men and women can find being delegated to the front porch to enjoy their cigar an unpleasant experience in bad weather, and our cigar lounge in Winston-Salem, North Carolina is the ideal solution. It is open to anyone age 21 or older (sorry, that’s the law!) by purchasing a membership. We offer an annual membership, as well as a membership that includes a cigar locker.
From our more than 300 different cigar options in our retail store to the comfortable, welcoming environment of our cigar lounge, we are confident you’ll love us! Stop by today to see for yourself all that we have to offer.