Cigars for Sale: How to Keep Your New Cigars Fresh

HomeBlogCigars for Sale: How to Keep Your New Cigars Fresh

Cigars are a lot like wine – they are natural and sensitive to their surrounding environment. If you recently purchased new cigars for sale, you probably want to keep them as fresh as possible in a controlled environment of moisture and temperature.

Cigars for Sale: How to Keep Your New Cigars Fresh

Once you purchase cigars for sale, you should keep them in a humidor until you are ready to smoke them. If you don’t have a humidor, you can keep them in a plastic bag that is tightly sealed with a damp paper towel in it. This method will only work for a day or two, so if you want to smoke cigars on a regular basis, a humidor is worth the investment.

When you get out your cigars, don’t leave them sitting out in an air conditioned or heated room for very long. This can dry out your cigars quickly and, in some cases, just leaving them out for an hour can ruin them. If you properly maintain your cigars in a humidor, you can keep the cigars you purchase fresh for up to several years.

If you’re an avid cigar smoker, we recommend purchasing more than one humidor. For example, we suggest purchasing a smaller, portable humidor that can hold a one or two-day supply of cigars and purchasing a larger one where you can keep the majority of your cigars.

If you are looking for quality cigars for sale, contact us at Top Leaf Cigar Lounge. We sell some of the finest cigars and would be happy to tell you more about our selection.