4 Signs of Quality Cigars

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Even if you’re not a cigar aficionado, there are still ways to tell the difference between subpar and quality cigars. On top of a rich and enjoyable flavor, there are several ways to tell if you’re smoking a high-quality cigar, and they include the following:

4 Signs of Quality Cigars

  1. The right draw—When cigars are packed too tightly, it’s tough for you to draw. As a result, you’ll get less flavor and smoke. But if the cigar is packed too loosely, the draw will be easier, but the taste will be harsher because the cigar will burn much hotter.
  2. A long ash—Most quality cigars will take on about an inch of ash before they fall off. When the ash does end up falling off, a cone shape should be left behind.
  3. Even burn—When you smoke a cigar, it should burn evenly from start to finish. If anything different happens, this means the cigar wasn’t rolled consistently.
  4. Consistent taste—As you make your way through a box of cigars, every one you smoke should burn and taste just like the one before. If you notice a heartburn-like feeling, a harsh bitterness, or if one of them goes out easily, it means the cigars don’t contain tobacco that was consistently aged.

Want to know more about the signs of quality cigars? We would be happy to provide you with more information at Top Leaf Cigar Lounge!