There are many reasons why our customers enjoy the ritual of cigar smoking, including the chance to celebrate a milestone, such as a wedding, or enjoy a night out with friends after a long time away. We often have customers tell us they enjoy cigar smoking as a way to relax as well. Regardless of the reasons, it has been made clear to us over the years that everyone has one, which is why we continue to offer a great selection of cigars and a space to enjoy cigar smoking.
Wondering what other reasons we’ve been given over the years? Continue reading to learn more.
- Aroma: Many people view smoking cigars as a sensory experience. The aroma of the tobacco, the flavor of the smoke, and the feel of the cigar in your palm can all contribute to a pleasant and calming feeling. Many cigar enthusiasts also value the various flavors and scents that cigars provide, adding to the experience.
- Ceremony and Awareness: Cigar smoking is steeped in ritual. From selecting and cutting to the lighting of the cigar, the focused attention to detail encourages people to slow down and be in the moment. Those looking for a method to relax and separate from the strains of everyday life find this ceremonial element very appealing.
- Social Aspects: It’s common to link socializing with cigar smoking. Our lounge offers the perfect space to spark conversations and share a cigar with friends to build a sense of camaraderie and social connection. This social element can improve the encounter as a whole and offer a chance to unwind and decompress.
- Respect for Craftsmanship: Many cigar smokers value the skill and attention to detail that goes into producing premium cigars. As such, the act of smoking cigars gives them the time to appreciate the artistry.