Occasionally, people ask us if buying cigars online is a good idea. Online shopping is convenient for things like toothpaste and pet food. But when it comes to cigars, online shopping may not be your best option.
- Going to the Cigar Shop is an Experience. Walking into a cigar shop is a treat for the senses that translates into something almost magical. The scent of the cigars stirs up nostalgia in some people and curiosity in others. Imagine buying your coffee in a coffee shop versus online. The coffee shop’s aroma and atmosphere make the coffee taste even better. A box on your porch can’t deliver the cigar shop experience.
- We Get to Know Our Customers. Sure, you may find a deal online, but you are just a name on a packing slip to an online retailer. At Top Leaf Cigar Lounge, we really get to know our customers. Are you looking for that perfect gift for your dad? Are you curious about cigars, but don’t know where to start? We’re a friendly bunch, and we are always happy to answer all of your questions.
- You Don’t Have to Wait or Pay for Shipping. To get your cigars fast online you’ll pay a hefty price for shipping. While in transit, the cigars will sit in a box without ideal humidity. When the cigars finally arrive, you need to let them rest in a humidor for a few days. That’s a lot of waiting. Shop with us and you can immediately take the cigars home or smoke them in the comfort of our cigar lounge.
Come by our Winston-Salem shop to experience cigar buying with us, we would love to get to know you.